Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Auckland Landscape Painting

This is our painting that we did of Auckland skyline.
Here are the steps we did it in:
  • Painted the sunset top.
  • Let it dry.
  • Painted the water bottom.
  • Mixed some white into the blue.
  • Let it dry.
  • Looked at some Auckland skyline silhouettes.
  • Drew a skyline into our art book.
  • Drew it onto black paper.
  • Glue the silhouette onto our painting.
  • Then we where done!

Information Report

In my group there was Gemma, Gabriel, Mandy, Chloe and I.
We have made a information report about saving the Marine Life.
In our report we have slides abut Overfishing, Gyres, Oil Spills and Nurdles and then we have our intro and conclusion
Please Help Save The Marine Life.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Choir Recount Draft

Making A Prediction

Speech Y6

This year my speech was about why Red Heads are cooler then you thought. I found it easy to write it out once i had all my facts. It was a bit tricky to find lots of facts and things for my speech.